OK, OK, I'll get over Trout Lilies

Charles Allen Haynes

March 4, 2023

VIDEO HERE 0:16, stream

Jay, Carrie, Franca and I went back to Stephenson‘s Creek near Arabia Mountain again to day. I wanted to follow up on Trout Lilies and record their whole appearance and flowering sequence. They are everywhere for at least 40 acres along both sides of Stephenson‘s Creek, some patches blooming more than others but at their own pace blooming everywhere. I‘ll just post a few and move on to other venues and other plants, but, it‘s been fun. We saw lots of forming “Little Brown Jugs , (Heartleaf, Wild Ginger, Hexastylis arifolia),” Common Blue Violets (Viola sororia), the leaves of Crane Fly Orchids (Tipularia discolor) lichens, mosses, ferns, Cross Vine (Bignonia capreolata). Beautiful place. Best company. All of these photographs are like notes, scribbled, and can be improved greatly which I will do as time allows.

Turkey Tail Polypore Mushroom
Turkey Tail Polypore Mushroom
Partridge Berry
Partridge Berry

Dimpled Trout Lily
Dimpled Trout Lily

Cross Vine
Cross Vine

Turkey Tail Mushroom
Turkey Tail Mushroom

Little Brown Jug (Wild Ginger)
Little Brown Jug (Wild Ginger)

British Soldier's Lichen
British Soldier's Lichen

Crane Fly Orchid
Crane Fly Orchid