Trout Lily Foliage Variation
Charles Allen Haynes
February 20, 2023
There are two species of Trout lily in Georgia. The most prevalent is the Dimpled Trout Lily, Erythronium umbilicatum. We went to Stephenson‘s creek again to see if the blooms were further along and initially settled for the “usuals” by the road. But, after a 30 minute walk through the leafless trees due south, constantly seeing the lily foliage underfoot through the fallen leaves, we came upon a “patch” of some density, 100+ blooms. I began to notice the variation in leaf patterns. That seems to have something to do with the amount of light that hits the leaves. Not sure, need to read up. Here are four examples, some differences pretty subtle, some obvious.
We saw one Bloodroot (Sanguinaris canadensis), but we‘ll keep checking…